Category: Investments

Thinking About Saving? Make it Easier.

June 1 2019
The single most important thing about saving money is to automate the process. You can do that by utilizing your work 401(k) plan or a direct deposit into a savings or investment account. You want to make sure your automatic savings are set up for the days you get paid […]...

Doing Good or Doing Well?

May 31 2019
Socially Responsible Investing has become a major stock market question over the last few years. Should you put your returns at risk by investing in companies that care about social justice as opposed to winning at all costs? Chances are you won’t have to, here’s why: At the end of […]...

The Index Bogeyman

April 10 2019
Over the last several years, index funds have received increased attention from investors and the financial media. Some have even made claims that the increased usage of index funds may be distorting market prices. For many, this argument hinges on the premise that indexing reduces the efficacy of price discovery. […]...

Getting to the Point of a Point

March 31 2019
A quick online search for “Dow rallies 500 points” yields a cascade of news stories with similar titles, as does a similar search for “Dow drops 500 points.” These types of headlines may make little sense to some investors, given that a “point” for the Dow and what it means […]...

Should You Direct Deposit Your Investments?

August 31 2018
My number one piece of advice is to use your employer’s direct deposit to automate savings. Most people believe that their entire paycheck should be sent to their checking account before being disbursed towards expenses & savings, which means people see their entire paycheck before making any savings decisions. I […]...